Orange County Sunday
Yesterday I turned on my netbook after work and the display was black. I promptly freaked out. VV promptly googled the problem and found a solution. This pretty much exemplifies one of the most major differences between the two of us and quite frankly I'm not sure how he deals with it. 2 ePropZ 4 VV.
 morning bellini
 sweet potato tater tots
 golden spoon was, understandably, pretty dead
 compare to this photo
My mom texted me on Sunday morning telling me I should stay in Orange County because the rain was supposed to be pretty hideous that day. VV and I had a semi-productive morning. We went to Costco and then unsuccessfully tried to find brunch at Whole Foods. We ended up at the Lazy Dog Cafe where we had eggs and bellinis.
Random young Asian dad to his wife: This place is pretty fancy, huh?
No, it's not.
Anyway, we went to get me a chai latte after brunch and then went to an unsurprisingly empty Golden Spoon to satisfy VV's craving for something sweet. We sat, ate the coffee frozen yogurt and watched as rain suddenly start pouring onto to the parking lot. It lightened up to a mere drizzle right before we finished eating, lucky us.