A winter birthday
Happy 28th to Leeners! We celebrated last weekend by going to dinner and a wine bar. There were tequila shots, penis cakes, strangers on street corners (and hand sanitizer!) and lots of good times to be had.
not quite pippi
dual showerheads would have been more impressive if the shower curtain actually spanned the width of the shower
blackberry hoooo
penis cakes? why yes!
catching someone else's flash
I excel at being really fucking creepy when I'm drunk
So about that last photo. I was at the height of my inebriation and decided that I wanted that random dude's hat, so what do I do? I take creepy stalker photos of him that's what. How does that even make sense I have no idea. Also, later that night as we were waiting to get Dee's car out of valet, she noticed some chick's shoes that she liked and wanted to know where she got them from so naturally I went up to her and asked her. And then I noticed her jacket and asked her where she got that too. And this doesn't sound that weird when I write it but trust me, it was really creepy of me. She probably updated her facebook status later that night talking about the crazy girl she encountered in Hollywood. ANYWAY.
Other than my own creeper status I think it was a good night. The rest of the girls stayed at a hotel (pictured) but I drove back since I had to be up early to prep for the next day's get together. Photos coming soon.