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Hmm, just realized that I didn't take any photos yesterday. Blasphemy! Just to recap (so I don't forget and I KNOW I'm going to want to remember all this 5, 10, 15 years down the line) I had dimsum at King Hua where we ate soup dumplings in tins, discussed macarons/Paris in the winter, and Steve volunteered to collect my poop in the middle of the desert.
And now, pictures. Not from yesterday.
me looking satanic
annoyingly matchy-matchy. it was an accident.
not real sunchips
new favorite snack
When we planned the beer pairing potluck we meant for the pairings to serve as lunch for everyone and had planned to make paninis for dinner. Of course, everyone ate a ton during lunch and there was no need for dinner so we had a ton of leftover sandwich stuff. VV, the Korean, the Counselor and I got together for dinner and powered through a good portion of the bread, cheese, deli meat and tuna salad the following evening.
I can't believe January is just about over. Life really is like a roll of toilet paper.
Poo games
The day after our Hollywood evening of madness (and alcohol and vomit) we had an early afternoon gathering of VV's friends to celebrate the Korean's birthday/the marriage of another friend. We did a potluck beer tasting where everyone brought food and a beer to go with it.
vv being weirdly anal-retentive about his potatoes. you had to be there.
i was having some serious issues with my camera or something. i couldn't get clear photos! this pic is giving me a headache.
vv made these and they were delicious
that's generally how he rolls
vv in his happy spot: by the food, drinking a beer
posting this because it's one of the few photos of me i have from this day...and it's not even really a photo of me :P
west coast reppin' in his pimp jacket
I had gotten to bed past four am and woke up a little before nine am to cook and make a last minute grocery run for some french bread and parchment paper. I ended up falling asleep on the floor after we ate (VV later had me move to a couch) because apparently I'm old (or maybe I'm just a lameass) and can no longer party like a rockstar on 4.5 hrs of sleep. It didn't help that I'd imbibed a decent amount of beer during our food fest.
VV said this was the first time they'd tried a potluck-type thing with his friends and that the whole thing went remarkably well. I think that the biggest culinary achievement (for me) was discovering that dark stouts are a fine substitute for coffee (which, in case you don't know me, I've pretty much gave up back in 2005) when eating breakfast rich chocolate goodies.
Woohoo another timely update? WOOHOO.
A winter birthday
Happy 28th to Leeners! We celebrated last weekend by going to dinner and a wine bar. There were tequila shots, penis cakes, strangers on street corners (and hand sanitizer!) and lots of good times to be had.
not quite pippi
dual showerheads would have been more impressive if the shower curtain actually spanned the width of the shower
blackberry hoooo
penis cakes? why yes!
catching someone else's flash
I excel at being really fucking creepy when I'm drunk
So about that last photo. I was at the height of my inebriation and decided that I wanted that random dude's hat, so what do I do? I take creepy stalker photos of him that's what. How does that even make sense I have no idea. Also, later that night as we were waiting to get Dee's car out of valet, she noticed some chick's shoes that she liked and wanted to know where she got them from so naturally I went up to her and asked her. And then I noticed her jacket and asked her where she got that too. And this doesn't sound that weird when I write it but trust me, it was really creepy of me. She probably updated her facebook status later that night talking about the crazy girl she encountered in Hollywood. ANYWAY.
Other than my own creeper status I think it was a good night. The rest of the girls stayed at a hotel (pictured) but I drove back since I had to be up early to prep for the next day's get together. Photos coming soon.
Return from whence I came
Random photos from me making batch #2 of Japanese-style potato salad (decided that a mix of kewpie and regular mayo yields the best results)complete with fancy carrots, having a very belated birthday lunch with Steve (Pizzeria Mozza!) and then going to the super-trendy-flyest boba place in town (not pictured) swarming with Asian kids and their smartphones, and some other randomness thrown in for good measure.
needed to try batali's olive oil gelato
trying to save a terribly dark photo
This weekend was draining, but all that means is that I was able to sleep well last night despite a brief afternoon nap and 1.5 Coke Zeroes. Except I woke up in the middle of the night laughing for no apparent reason. WEIRD.
Also, I dreamt that I was a bridesmaid, though I'm not sure who the bride was (or the groom, for that matter). Leanne, Leeners, Denise were also bridesmaids and we were a HOT MESS dude. We were doing shots and I was trying to take photos of all of us with my DSLR but my ISO settings weren't working w/ my superwide so everything came out dark. Huh.
Anyway, I think I got way oversocialized this past weekend. I'm getting after-the-fact social anxiety which probably doesn't make any sense but whatever. I need to sleep. I also need to not drink for a few days maybe.
Last Saturday afternoon
vv's sausage chili cheese fries
is that dude looking at me?
we're at a different place now and vv is not dancing despite what this photo may tell you
First photos are from Valhalla Table which is OC's version of Wurstküche. I think it's a reasonably good substitute. I also think I need to go back to Wurstküche to make a informed comparison.
Anybody up for some sausage?
While we were at milk + honey I was sitting in such a way that the Counselor had a clear view of the bottom of my boot.
Counselor: You have BM on the bottom of your shoe
me: WHAT???
Insert vaguely confused panic (on my part) here.
Counselor: Oh says 6M
Holy crap. Not literally, though, thank goodness.
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