Camera dump

I know you can't tell from the photo, but the little burger's mom is dressed like an In-n-Out employee

A little hoppier than I usually like my beer!
The crepe part was store-bought and ready-to-serve

RACCOONS. There were three of them. Not all pictured.
We got the beer from OC Wine Mart. I could have sworn I'd uploaded photos from the wine mart but maybe not. Huh.
I finally started xmas shopping sort of. Presents might suck this year y'all...I apologize in advance! I get stressed out easily and I somehow put off gift-buying too long for it to be not traumatic. One year I managed to get it all done before the end of October. That was awesome. And hasn't happened ever again.
Would it be terrible to just give everyone Amazon gift cards? Because I'm pretty sure that's all I want, haha.