Vegas: Night 1 (aka "Ghetto Night")
So I was in Vegas last weekend with a few girlfriends doing the usual touristy Vegasy things like eating at buffets, staying out all night and being drunk and obnoxious in public. All in moderation, of course.
Brief visual intro to the company I kept over the weekend:
Second photo needs a contrast boost.
And now, highlights of the first night there.
- Jumping on the hotel beds.
- Hotel bar libations.
- Some fearsome $1 margarita things that Leanne bought two of for each of us. I actually ended up quite sneakily disposing of the last quarter of my second drink because I was afraid it would make me sick. No more vomiting in Vegas for me!
I really was scared, you know
- McDonalds french fries for dinner
- Big Balls
- Being approached by a pair of underaged frat boys drinking a mix of vanilla rum and raspberry vodka out of a water bottle. They eventually left us alone after one of them fell into a group of people and security guards started coming around with flashlights.
- The moveable walkway + Leanne
Leanne: (Running towards the moveable walkway) PEOPLEMOVERRR!!! *faceplant*
A tricky thing, that walkway
And that's night #1 in a nutshell! More Vegas posts comingggg...eventually.