Yesterday while discussing vacation schedules:
The Counselor: What day is Christmas this year?
The Korean: (completely serious) I think it's on...the 25th.
VV and the Counselor discussing the camera VV bought his cousin for xmas:
VV: She said that size was important. She wanted something small that didn't weigh too much.
The Counselor: So she wants something small and light that takes pictures?
VV: Yeah, basically.
The Counselor: Sounds like Kelly.
At which point we decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to tie a bow on me and leave me on her doorstep :) I think the Counselor is going to be staying at VV's a few nights a week or so because his current commute sucks butts. He made us (plus the Korean) dinner last night and it was quite delicious. As it turns out, he enjoys cooking. I told him he could mos' def stay as long as he wanted.