It's nearly 10pm now, I've finished making my dinner...my second attempt at Korean-style spinach. It came out better this time, I think, since I did a better job at draining the spinach before putting it in the pan w/ the other ingredients.
Dinner is waiting in the fridge (I want to cool it down a bit because the banchan I get is never steaming hot and I sort of want to emulate that feel) and I'm surfing the internet with a glass of moscato to the left of my laptop (same glass that's to the left of this entry, yes it is). The rim is marred by lip gelee in Bare, and yes I'm using a souvenir wineglass. This year's Taste of Huntington Beach. VV's other wineglass are on the top shelf (very inconvenient, I'd have to get a stool or hop onto the counter to retrieve one) and this was in the dishwasher (which I can reach quite easily) so souvenir wineglass it is.
Hope you all had a nice day. I think I'm really stressed out (feeling highstrung sort of) but I can't figure out why..!