gargh pollen
Allergies have been attacking me but I've been fending them off with generic Claritin (thanks mommy), eye drops and exercise (makes my irritated eyes feel better for some unknown reason).
I finally saw the SATC movie last weekend. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be, but I wouldn't say it was fantastic either. I think they tried to hard to capture the spirit of the television show. They reused memorable dialog (e.g. "I love you, but I love me more." (whited out because it might be a minor spoiler...highlight to read)) and most of the characters (especially Samantha and Charlotte) ended up being caricatures of themselves. Result? The script wasn't as smart and funny as the original series. I'll probably end up buying it when it comes out on dvd anyway. As a die-hard SATC fan I fall right into their target demographic *sigh*
I get to meet some of VV's friends (that I haven't yet met) on Saturday. Eee!