So I'm now up to date on my tetanus vaccine and my gyno exam. I haven't had a tetanus shot since 95' so I'd forgotten that the actual shot doesn't hurt at all...of course, it's hurting now. Needles make me squeamish :(
So then I needed to have blood work I went to a lab to get my blood drawn. The phlebotomist (yay new word) was having trouble finding my veins so I had to clench and unclench my fists a couple of times and she gave me a small container to grip. She then made me lie down because she said I looked like I was about to faint :( She kept talking to me to try and calm me down (she asked how old I was and then told me I looked like a high school student still trying to decide whether that's good or bad) because I guess she could tell I was nervous. Believe it or not, I've never gotten that much blood drawn at once (I've only gotten blood taken once, and it was through a pinprick in the finger that didn't hurt at all) and yeah...I didn't really know what to expect.
Oh well. I'm alive. And conscious. But my arm hurts now, and from what I recall it's going to be hurting for a while =\