here we go again...
short dude: what nationality are you?
(just as an aside, i don't know why people even bother with conversation at clubs because you can't hear a freaking thing. i got introduced to like 4 people and i only caught the name of one.)
me: japanese (decided it would be unnecessarily snarky to say "american")
short dude: onamae wa nandesuka?
me: (never mind that he already asked me my name about two minutes earlier)
short dude: i speak a little japanese!
me: i don't.
okay that wasn't necessarily 100% true but freaking-A is it really necessary to bust out your japanese sKilLz every time you meet someone with japanese blood in her (or his) veins? is it supposed to be impressive? is my english so bad that people think it'll be easier for me to communicate in the tongue of my motherland (which may be Japan, China, or Korea, depending on who you ask)?
blah. i'm probably overreacting, but it gets freaking annoying after a while.
(okay and i also realize that i'm the last person who should be calling anyone short but i think the fact that he was extremely short is probably the only reason he talked to me which makes me a little sad)