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the company in the next suite is having some sort of day long halloween karaoke party or something.
tired of working
ducks game (25th)
My first reason for going to the game (unusually shitty sapporo).
My second reason for going to the game (a much more satisfactory heineken).
When things started going downhill (no more beer?!).
Ha! I'm only kidding. Hockey ain't half bad and it's easy to follow, even whilst buzzed! The Ducks lost, though.
But I did get a free hockey puck upon leaving the arena! If only I could remember where I put it...
Oh, and they had cupholders in the bathroom stalls.
- I forgot to drink my Yakult this morning.
- Today is my last day of antibiotics but I'm still not 100%...
- My whole head feels dulled and my life feels boring and monochrome.
- I am not in the mood for dinner (too much lunch!) but I'm definitely eating dessert (delicious overpriced truffles infused with wasabi, horseradish, and balsamic vinegar)
Today @ Lunch
Tasty chocolate souffle cake thing with vanilla ice cream. Too rich, couldn't finish it.
Thank you Steve!!
There was a dead bird outside the window at Starbucks. I guess it hit the glass.
You can see the reflection of my bag and my pants in the photo.
not well
My cough is the suck so I'm working from home right now. Doctors appointment in about an hour ;P
i thought you were koh-ree-yaaaannnnn
So I pulled into a Hollywood parking lot on Sunday evening...
Parking Lot Attendant: Anyonghaseo!
Me: ...hi?
I looked at the parking lot attendant. Korean? Nope. Mexican most likely.
PLA: It'll be four dollars.
Me: Okay.
I hand him a ten.
PLA (takes the $10 from me and looks at it): Ah! Aigoooooo. (counts out change for me and starts yelling across the parking lot to another attendant in Spanish)
btw i know nothing about romanizing korean so if you can correct me please do
btw i've set (and will be setting) a handful of my flickr photos to "friends only" so let me know if you need to be added as a contact!
five pm
I took these photos at about 1pm this afternoon, but it looked more like 5pm. As hazy as it was, the smell of smoke has pretty much dissipated around my apartment (although I'm sure the air quality is still the suck). Just a couple miles south, though, the smell was as strong as ever.
Oh. No work today, either. I think I'll probably be going tomorrow...?
no work today. and the smoke is aggravating my cough.
Flickr. Random photos.
Los Angeles rocks
(6:32 PM) me: i'm stupid and mean!
(6:33 PM) me: and not very much fun!
(6:33 PM) me: but
(6:33 PM) me: i'm quite stylish and attractive
America's Favorite Cities | Los Angeles
(yes i realize i don't live in LA, but i was born and raised in LA county and perhaps that's where my bitchiness comes from...?)
because we're so mature
Our trip to a fair (?) with comments (as said by the hungry coworker!)
"WHOA that pig has huge balls!"
"What is that pig doing to that farmer?!"
"I just want to hug it...:("
huge pile of napkins!
I saw this dude sitting at the next table over during lunch today and his pile of napkins reminded me of one of Christy's old coworkers.
Once, while I was still in college, I met up with Christy and her coworkers for lunch at a Pizza Hut (all you can eat pizza!). There was this one dude there, Tuberculosis (yes we actually used to call him that (i swear he used to have a crush on le Christy (which she denied (this is starting to look like LISP (Lots of Idiotic Stupid Parentheses?) so I'll stop here...))))...I looked under his seat/table area when we were done eating and there was a pile of, like, 6-7 crumpled up napkins. wtf? Who does that (besides him)?
left leanne eating steve's tasty tasty boozejello (boozello?)while lina chills right bartender april
After dinner, seven of us went back to my place to pre-party and call a cab. Steve had made some deliciously boozy slightly fizzy jello to share. Everyone loved it (thanks Steve!) We also did some shots (cachaca and grey goose...not mixed together) and mixed some drinks.
Err...I'd write more but I'm eating the leftover boozy jello right now and I'm actually feeling a tiny bit tipsy...!
the mugs w/ spoons in them are full of boozello. and so is my stomach/head.
Apple pecan salad plus chicken. My favorite salad from Mustard Cafe. The scallion dressing is oh-so-delicious and it gives me the worst breath ever.
Don't worry...more birthday weekend pictures coming soon :)
Nordstrom's Lunch
Had a tasty roast chicken + pommes frites lunch yesterday at Nordstrom Bistro. The photo is of the ceiling.
happy birthday to the little brother!!
Birthday Dinner
so many girls!
Went to Mastro's Ocean Club for dinner on Saturday to celebrate my 24th birthday. And, yeah. So many girls! There were eight girls and they are AWESOME. Hence why they are the first picture in this post.
Oh, and I guess that the guys are pretty cool too.
Anyway...what was I saying? Oh yeah, we went to Mastro's for dinner. I got the chilean sea bass and it was okay...but the sides were quite delicious! Saturday was my first time at Mastro's Ocean Club, but I'd been to Mastro's Steakhouse before and the culinary experience was about par--okay steak, very delicious sides.
They brought me a slice of cake with a candle after we finished our meals. Carrot cake with fruit and a side of whipped cream. Apparently we were all supposed to share that slice because they also brought out 11 plates and no dessert menu. So share we did.
they were singing to me as i tried to get a clear shot of cake. i'm sure there are like three pictures of me photographing the plate.
Thanks for coming all the way out here guys :D I had fun!
I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23 I'M 23
Gloomy Monday
driving back from lunch
Weekend was pretty crazy. Shall update later!
What's going on, eh?
Okay I just walked in and I should be putting away my groceries (read: beer) right now but two freaking random things happened within the past 30 minutes....
wth? I was driving back to my apartment behind a car with the license place "RSS FEED". Oh how I regretted not having my camera with me (for once! which means i missed the costumed people on stilts in the spectrum parking lot photo op today, too :()
wtf? Just five minutes ago I was walking to my apartment with an armload of grocery bags when I heard something drop into the dirt about two feet away. I didn't get a really close look at it (heavy bags, wanted to get to my apartment and put them down) but from what I saw it looked like a used pregnancy test...???? Fell out of a balcony or a tree or the sky? No idea. I need to go back to my car to unload the rest of my stuff so maybe I'll get a better look.
edit: okay i have no idea what this is.
...i am totally doing the diva thing and doing a costume change between dinner and dancing ;)
left: me trying on my dad's old halloween costume right: packing it back up so le brother can take it back to norcal
My brother wanted a Halloween costume for work so my dad brought out his costume that he wore back when he was still working for Disney. I think the costume is over 15 years old (!). Halloween was a big thing for the company so that particular year the entire graphics department made 53 Alice in Wonderland card costumes (full deck plus a joker) as well as an Alice and a Queen of Hearts costume.
company group photo!
And here's one more picture from Sunday. We had breakfast at Nishi and for some reason the tines of our plastic forks were all weird?
That's all :)
loooooooove keepon!
(here's the first keepon video i saw!)
(and yeah omg japanese people do like robots)
(6:39 PM) hungry coworker: is there any man so ugly
(6:39 PM) hungry coworker: that u would rather date a woman
(6:39 PM) hungry coworker: cuz there are women so ugly that would make me date a man
What do you think?
my answer?
(6:39 PM) me: hahahah
(6:39 PM) me: yeah i think so
so shallow :)
(6:58 PM) hungry coworker: wow spammers are so rude
(6:59 PM) me: ???
(6:59 PM) hungry coworker: Have you ever heard this, "Gush! Your penis is so small!"?
(6:59 PM) hungry coworker: they usually just say viagra 1.79
(6:59 PM) hungry coworker: but this time they wanted to bring me down
(6:59 PM) me: ahahahahahahhahahahahahhahah
(6:59 PM) me: is it working
(7:00 PM) hungry coworker: no its not working, a product named megadik is stupid
Oh, and he copy/pasted the rest of the email to me, too.
Have you ever heard this, "Gush! Your penis is so small!"?
Didn't you just wanna run away?
Don't let girls prefer dildo to you ! Megadik will make you a real man ! You must believe in this excellent preparation!
"Oh! Your penis is unique!" Is it what you just love to hear?
Soon you'll be the only one ladies will want! Megadik is your real cure!
oh and happy october y'alls
Brain eaters found in lakes??? (thank you hungry coworker)
I was swimming and "wakeboarding" in a rather warm lake in late August! I got lots of water up my nose! I am at risk!
However, I am much comforted by the fact that I am not dead right now, and therefore probably did not contract the killer amoeba.
Dinner with peeps (not the marshmallow kind) at Maggiano's on Saturday, Maria tortilla's opening reception on Sunday. Both good.
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