walking std
So we went to UCI on our lunch break to check out the Halloween sale at the bookstore (insane crowds, insane lines!). I had to use the restroom so I made a detour to the main library (erm, excuse me Langson library oh how quickly I forget...) and lo and behold, bathroom stall graffiti! I took pictures of the interesting scribbles because I am weird. One of them was this which included a first and last name!
I facebook-ed the name and indeed he is a facebook user (and indeed I am a stalker)! Anyway I showed the graffiti photos to my coworkers and they both saw his facebook user photo.
[1:25 PM] me: http://profile.ak.facebook.com/profile2/684/44/n6022802_22764.jpg
[1:26 PM] korean coworker: awww, he's being "in your face".
[1:26 PM] korean coworker: Makes you want to fold him up and put him in your pocket.
I have a couple more graffiti photos. Something about a hottie with a body.