1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year? I never make them.
2. If so, did you go through with it? There's a reason why I never make them.
3. Does it snow where you live? Nope. But it's all good in the hood since I'm too much of a pansy to brave cold weather.
4. Do you like hot chocolate? Yes, esp. since I've given up coffee.
5. Have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop? Never been to New York
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Kris, Neener, the KOREAN coworker, Irv, Franco
1. Did you have a valentine this year? The boy was lovely but I think my valentines were technically April and Maria--after all we did go out for dinner and a nice dessert that night :)
2. Did you WANT a valentine? :)
3. Did you play in the snow? Oh yes indeedy
4. Do you have February break? Tahoe!
5. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? My mom did
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Stephie (who shares a bday with the twins and mikekim the palindrome), the HARDWARE coworker, Ho's mommy, my mom.
1. Are you Irish? Will you kiss me if I say yes?
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? I am green.
3. Do you believe in leprechauns, four leaf clovers and all that stuff? Nope.
4. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Leslie and LamEdit and Breezy (?)
1. Do you like the rain? NO
2. Do you celebrate easter? Nope. Well, I did go to church this year =0
3. Do you get tons of candy on easter? This year I got pizza and beer
4. Have you ever danced or kissed in the rain? Probably
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? All of my 1208 girls...except April (HAHA), the GIRL coworker (?), the camel, Dannoballs, Auntie Chris.
1. What's your favorite kind of flower? It's all in the arrangement.
2. Do you love your mommy? Of course. Who else would send me weird pumpkin-butt pictures?
3. Do you like the spring? I guess?
4. Finish the phrase: April showers bring May flowers, but what do May flowers bring? Allergies
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Denisers
1. What's the last grade you graduated from? 16th
2. What day do you graduate school? JUNE EIGHTEENTH TWO THOUSAND AND FIVE!! Er, it was the 18th, right?
3. Do you love your daddy? Yes.
4. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Brian and his bro, BubbleBoy, Damon, Karen, and I think that Aaron's Andy said his birthday was on the 30th or something. The random stuff you remember after a drunken night...
1. Do you have any special occasions on 4th of july? Not normally, but this year I got to spend it at the top of the "I" with some fantastic people :)
2. consider yourself patriotic? Sure, I guess?
3. Do you go on any vacations during this month? This year I was in Oahu for the first few days of the month--later in the month I went up north.
4. Ever gotten really drunk on 4th of july? Nope!
5. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? APRIL my gorgeous girl :)
1. Do you do anything special to end off your summer? Nope
3. Do you go swimming a lot in the summer? I think I did last year...when I had time :(
4. Do you like swimming? Yes
5. Do you go to the beach alot? Again, I think I did last year when I had time...and we were closer...!
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Aaron, the Ex, the WHITE coworker, Ray, RA, Katherine, Luis
1. Does school start during this month? I guess it does, BUT I DON'T HAVE TO GOOOOO
2. Do you like school? So over it.
4. Who's your favorite teacher? Life
5. Do you like fall better than summer? He-eeeell no!
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Sarabean, the VIRGINIAN coworker
1. What was your craziest halloween costume ever? Lunchbag!
2. What was the best costume you saw? Oh lordage...
3. What's your favorite candy? Strawberry chocolate *drool* it's probably good I don't work close to a Mitsuwa anymore ;P
4. What are you gonna be this year? A software engineer
5. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Leslie's little sister, Claudia, me, Brady, Leanne
1. Whose house do you usually go to for thanksgiving? Mine
2. Do you like stuffing? I like stuffing myself. What I don't like is the aftermath.
3. What are you thankful for? Good people. Steady income. Aveeno lotion.
4. Name everyone who's at your family dinners? It's kind of sad...=/
5. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Daddy, Grant, Kory and his mom, Henry, Dirty Dave, Tony, maybe Skim
1. Do you celebrate christmas? I'm always broke this time of year...
2. Hannukah? Nope.
3. Do you get presents? Yes.
4. What's your favorite present you ever got? Digicam three years ago. I'm sure you all love it, too.
5. Do you like cold weather? Ugh NO.
6. Do you or anyone you know have a birthday in this month? Ho, Eric, Maria Tortilla, maybe Skim
Oh man I spaced on so many birthdays...I'm so sorry.
I really should be cleaning.
Above stolen from the NEENER