sea world-ed it with all of the work folk yesterday. it was fun, but i ended up leaving much, much later than anticipated.
am currently working from home right now. i can feel the stress starting to build on me ;P i have a program due for my class on friday and i really, really need to get crackin' on that sucker.
had food and beer with some babes and gangsters (and a whole lot of vietnamese people) friday night. omega hugs to the omega lame one.
need to start saving up so i can move out, pay bills and pay for my car insurance (which i believe i will be taking over in november) because i am not going to be a thirtysomething living at home with mommy and daddy paying all my expenses (my first and last name put together don't make a palindrome *AHEM*)
need to need to get on my feet.
but first i must finish my work :(