One post to keep you (well...actually me) entertained before I resume my hardcore studying.
Even thought I don't have too much to write about...hm.
Good luck on finals to you all? Actually, nevermind. I'm keeping all the luck to myself since I suspect I need it more than you do.
Except bubble boy because he's going through hell this week. You can have some luck.
You all should go to the pub every day after your last finals (or even before your last finals if so inclined) since it's going to be closing FOR GOOD this Thursday. That makes me sad :( Too many good times there with the team, etc.
The Breezy wants to get a dog and name it Bursty.
"Your skin is too fabric" == BEST INSULT EVER. Lam didn't stand a chance. Document that shit.
I have Hollaback Girl (Gwen Stefani) stuck in my head thanks to Xin and Ra. Bananas.
Retail therapy really works. It should be covered by health insurance.
Thank you for waking me up this morning.