Before Xmas...
Vegas-ing for Maria's 22nd (so sorry I had to leave early!), Oseibo on Sunday where we exchanged gifts, I chased someone annoying around with a camera because I had to, and got to see Leanne do the robot on stage with her kids, some last-minute features added to the MGB plus dinner with some gangstas and babes (Cambridge English!) followed by a presentation that was made by the self-appointed "king" of our new fused group (i is ninja), outlet shopping with the bf (I can't believe he can hang with me), dance lessons and xmas-treeing and TGIFriday's with Ra and Steph (I think I hurt myself), insane xmas shopping and then dinner provided by lil Skim (thanks!) and THEN my first taste of flavored soju which is one helluva lot better than sake, xmas eve from Irvine to Santa Ana to Buena Park (dinner with the family) to Rowland Heights to celebrate HoHo's 22nd (yes she is old) and then to April's with Steph for some cookies and talk (thanks for having us over!).
And then...
Saw Closer with two lovely girls then went for tea/boba twice before going to Aaron's to play foosball where we learned that April has a gambling problem and we all had to pay for it dearly, went to SD for some real gambling where I frittered away $90 which in retrospect isn't really all that much, came back only to head out to Best Buy to pick up my SATC season 6 which I brought back to my house so we could watch it straight through (Red Vines, chocolate and tea), went to Saddle Ranch w/ Steph for...Brian's brother's friend's birthday or something or other...? Well we went and by the time we got there almost everyone was already inebriated and I stayed fantastically sober for once, went to bf's the following day to chill, went to K-town the night after (after the mind-numbing meeting for the centennial history book) for dinner, drinks, karaoke, dancing and Carrow's, spent new year's eve sober at Nishi, at the bf's, and at a house party where Steve (unbeknownst to him) was photographed passed out on the couch many many times, spent new year's at Nishi and at home doing family stuff (I'm Japanese it comes with the territory) and then in Pasadena (thanks Brian although you really really didn't have to) and then at Steve's and then at D&B's where I lost the sugar game and washed my loss down with a Stella (thanks Aaron) which I drank too fast, shopped and chilled the following night with Steph before going to Aaron's where I had a couple beers and sucked at foosball (no more betting) and watched SATC and Eternal Sunshine and then headed out to Carrow's with Skim, April and Steph for appetizers and talk, took Steph to Irvine with me the following day and felt terrible because I forgot I had to work that day but yes it all turned out okay because Aaron rescued her and by the time I got back they were having a grand old time with Ciara, had dinner then came back to the apt to Taboo, dance, drink and some other stuff (Ray molested my elbows but I think I started it) and got an omega cool necklace from Maria Tortilla, hung out and chilled the following day before Steph headed home (too sad).
And then school started.
So that was my winter break. I'm amazed that I remember what I did from day to day (well actually...okay well yeah) but it was all good. I lost my card reader again so it may be a while before you see photos. But yes, thanks guys. It was omega good.