Patron: Do you still want my ID today? (we require an ID from everyone who uses our computers)
Me: Yes
Patron: You work every day huh? You a workaholic?
Me: Uhhh...I guess so.
Patron: What are you? Chinese? Vietnamese?
Me: (I have my Japanese homework spread out all over my workspace) I'm Japanese.
Patron: You're Japanese? I never would have guessed! Who's Japanese? You or your parents?
Me: Excuse me?
Patron: Who's Japanese? Who was born in Japan?
Me: great-grandparents. (a half-truth...I have three kibei grandparents and one grandparent who was born in Japan and immigrated illegally by hopping the Mexican border)
Patron: Really? And where did they live when they came here?
This patron is the same one who insists on speaking to Apes in fact the first time he spoke to me he spoke Spanish.
I don't know why I feel so cranky. Maybe it's because I have so much homework.