Taken from Kat's page
Starting Time: 4:22 pm
* Name On Birth Certificate: Kelly
* Nicknames: your mom
* Age: 20
* Birthday: 10/16
* School: UCI
* Email: I would never give out my email address
* Color Of Eyes: brown
* Color Of Hair: brown
* Shoe Size: 6-6.5
* Brothers/Sisters: Brady :)
* Age Of Brothers/Sisters: 18
* When Is Your Bedtime?: I wish I had one.
--------------- HAVE YOU EVER ---------------
*Put A Body Part On Fire For Amusement: I'm afraid of fire =X
* Been In A Car Accident: my bad =X
* Been Hurt Emotionally: who hasn't?
* Kept A Secret From Everyone: ;)
* Had An Imaginary Friend: I don't think so. I talk to my car though. But so does Chris Carraba so it's ok.
* Cried During A Movie: haha...no
* Had A Crush On A Teacher: I don't believe that I've ever had an attractive teacher, male or female, so no.
* Been On Stage: of course
* Cut Your Hair: yeap
*Been Sarcastic: I'm always sarcastic.
---------------- FAVORITES ----------------
* Shampoo: Origins knot-free. Smells like peaches.
* Soap: Aveeno body wash. I have dry skin.
* Color: the color of your mom.
* Day/Night: Night. Warm nights.
* Summer/Winter: Waiting for summer
* On-line Smiley: '"3^$
* Cartoon Character: You know...I think I have a real answer for this but I forgot what it is...so I'll just have to say YOUR MOM
* Fave Food: I'm craving Alerto's carne asada fries right now. Extra guacamole. Avocados are divine. Xinlei is a crackhead.
* Fave Advertisement: I liked those phone commercials with the old people. So wrong but so right.
* Fave Movie: Yay Kill Bill/Battle Royale :D I don't know if those are my favorites but I like them a lot.
* Fave Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia mmmm
* Fave Subject: Sleeping in class
* Fave Drink: Lately? Jones Soda.
* Fave Person: your mom.
------------------ RIGHT NOW ------------------
* Wearing: Not enough. It's cold in here.
* I'm Feeling: Cold and antsy.
* Drinking: Nothing.
* Thinking About: I'm a bad bad student
* Listening To: Thornton lecturing (guess where I am =X)
* Talking To: David (sort of).
*WATCHING: The overhead projector.
---------------- IN THE LAST 24 HRS ----------------
* Cried: no
* Worn a skirt: no
* Met Someone New: errr....no
* Done Laundry: nope
* Driven A Car: yes
----------- DO YOU BELIEVE IN -----------
* Yourself: As of late, no
* Your Friends: very much so
* Santa Clause: hahah
* Tooth Fairy: I wish there was a tooth fairy.
* Destiny/Fate: nope
* Angels: nope
* Ghosts: no
* UFO's: hahahaha. But seriously, anything that is unidentified and flying is a UFO regardless of whether it's an alien spacecraft or not so I'd have to say yes, I do believe in UFOs.
-------------- OTHER --------------
* Do You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yes, although sometimes it feels like I don't.
* Who Have You Known The Longest Of Your Friends: Lina? Eric? I don't know haha.
* Who's The Loudest: Of my friends? I don't know. In general? The mofos who live in the apartment above us.
* Who's The Shyest: IIII really don't know anymore.
* Who's The Weirdest: all i kno is ...its not me =D
* Who Do You Go To For Advice: Roommates.
* Who Do You Cry With: By myself. Or with the bf, although I don't know if I'd consider that crying with, perhaps more like crying at?
* When Did You Cry The Most: The past year and a half and still going strong.
* What's The Best Feeling In The World: The sense of relief you feel when you realize that no, you didn't fail that class. I doubt I'm going to get that lucky this quarter.
* Finish Time: 5:02 pm. Lecture still going strong.
Blah. It's cold and I'm not happy.