Man I don't know what I was talking about in that previous entry...I think I was on crack. ANYWAY.
Ra came back this weekend! He and Hoho drunk-dialed me on Saturday (except Hoho wasn't drunk) asking me if I wanted to go to dinner and a huka bar (I think there are two ways of spelling it...but hooka/hookah looks too much like "hooker" so I'm going to use the "u" version...). We ended up not going to the bar (I had a lot of crap to do this weekend) which, in retrospect, I'm kind of glad about. I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to go =X
I might end up going anyway next time Ra comes down...I'll think about it when the time comes.
Ra gave me a jacket. I don't know what to wear it with. I don't know how to dress...I'm an ICS major ;P
Do you believe in the existence of Catholic guilt? I do.
peace out homies