It's superlate right now. I'm doing math homework and drinking instant coffee.
It's raining. I kind of like it. It breaks the deafening silence of the wee hours without distracting me from my work.
Plus it makes me feel cozy.
It feels weird knowing that bf was my first real Valentine ever. It's also hard to believe that this past vday was only our second and that before that Valentine's day was just another day really. Before that I suppose I was just a recluse...?
Or maybe I was a little too picky.
A little too chicken?
Or maybe just a big bitch....heheh. I don' t know. I would say all of the above.
I was kinda (really) dorky in high school. Not that I'm not now, but I think it's less of an issue in college which is all in all pretty nice :) High school was just plain silly.
But the free books were great :)