Holy crap. It really is one of those death years.
I heard from Ape and Ray that Kevyn Nojima died this past weekend. I didn't really know him, but strangely enough I was thinking about him last Friday when I was at this Korean restaurant. The last time I had gone to that restaurant I saw him there with his then-girlfriend Lisa. He was pretty closely tied to the JA community through basketball. He used to coach a team full of a bunch of girls I know with one of my second cousins. Anyhow, the news kind of freaked me out. Although I only knew him by sight, he seems like the last person you'd think would die so young (he was only a couple years ahead of me in high school). Holy crap. It's so sad.
Well, there's a lot more that I want to write about, but I have to finish unpacking and get going on my homework ;P I'll be back later.