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I have approx. 75 photos in rotation. Unfortunately for you, the code uses the Math.random() method to determine which photo to display. Those of you who have ever used Math.random() in your code know what I mean. It's frustrating. I tried using it in ICS23 to make my maze algorithm and it would pick the same number over and over again and it ended up causing a stack overflow. Pah.
Here's something I picked up from Kat
Full Name: Kelly Midori
Birth date: 10/16
Current Location: Here and there
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: none
Zodiac Sign: your mom
Your heritage: JA.
The shoes you wore today: haven't left the house yet
Your weaknesses: the internet and french fries....mmmm....
Your fears: Failure. Failure and throwing up.
Your perfect pizza: Cheese? I'm pretty boring.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Short term: graduate in four (highly unlikely) Long term: live comfortably and be happy. Sounds good to me.
Your thoughts first waking up: Hit the snooze
Your best physical feature: My big eyes and long legs
Your bedtime: Lately? Around 3-4am =\
Time you wake up: 10-10:30ish
Your greatest accomplishment: ;P
Your most missed memory: Hmm...when was the last time I wasn't worried about anything...?
You prefer
Pepsi or Coke: Diet coke POR VIDA!!
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds #9
Single or group dates: Err...single...I think. I guess it would depend on the people
Adidas or Nike: Because I'm so athletic...
frappuccino or coffee: I'm swearing off of coffee until school starts and I need it.
Do you...
smoke: Yech
curse: When I'm driving =X
Sing well: I'm no Denise
Take a shower everyday: Every day that starts with a G
Have a crush(es): :)
Do you think you've been in love: "
Want to go to college: this point? It's a tossup
Like high school: Too superficial
Want to get married: Maybe someday.
Believe in yourself: Occasionally
Think you're attractive: I think your mom's attractive
Get along with your parents: Most of the time
Play an instrument: Sort of
In the past month have you..
Drank alcohol: Nope
Smoked: Never
Done a drug: Claritin. It's kinda old.
Had Sex: Nope
Made Out: Wahaha ;D
Gone on a date: What exactly is a date..?
Gone to the mall?: Yeap
Been dumped: Nope
Dyed your hair: Never
Stolen anything: Your mom
Have you ever
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Nope
If so, was it mixed company?: Your mom was there
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope
Been caught "doing something": Today my brother caught me eating lunch at 11. The shame...the shame...
Been called a tease: Bitch maybe (well not maybe....), tease? I don't know.
Gotten beaten up: Nope
Shoplifted: Sounds kinda heavy
Changed who you were to fit in: Don't we all act a little fake sometimes?
the future
Age you hope to be married: Before 40 or bust.
Number of Children: 2 max
Describe your Dream Wedding: Nishi, of course =)
How do you want to die: Painlessly
Where you want to go to college: Not here...haha
What do you want to be when you grow up: Code monkey
Opposite sex
Best eye color?: I seem to like asians.
Best hair color?: Yeap
Short or long hair?: Short hair, clean cut
What do you notice first?: Not...sure
Best height: Taller than me.
Best weight: Lean but not skinny.
Best articles of clothing: I don't get it
Best first date location: I like to eat :D
Number of...
Number of girls I have kissed in my life: It's a cheek thing. Not those cheeks.
Number of girlfriends I've had: girl friends
Number of boys I have dated: blah?
Number of "serious" boyfriends I've had: Just one.
Number of drugs taken illegally: none
Number of people I could trust with my life: Maybe a couple
Number of piercings: One in each ear
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: None that I'm aware of
Number of scars on my body: Not too sure...
Number of things in my past that I regret: I can't count that high
sidenote: Dan needs a guestbook or comments function. Ya heard???
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