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I went to the ATM today. The guy in front of me asked if I was Japanese or Chinese. I told him I was Japanese. He said "Ah, I guessed right!". So said the guy wearing a plaid shirt and plaid shorts.
My page looks strange in Netscape. Just the blog pages. I don't like it.
I hate it when webpages die or go away or...yeah. Good pages. Pages like mars and And whatever happened to Grace who was at once upon a long time ago? And Actually, I wasn't overly fond of, it was just something of an icon back in the day.
I have a whole lot of work to do. Mmmmhmm. Tomorrow is the last day with the kiddies. Vocab rally and sandwiches. After the "festivities" the staff (that's me!) is going to go to Sunny Italy. Yay for italian food :)
kelly!! your direct objects aren't paralleled!! live comfortably and happily!... um, that's what I'm tellin you about.. not what I demand by the way.
Ethics 101
Last spring quarter my friend Jen, a bio major, took a bioethics class for fun. She used to show me a bunch of situations to see what I thought of them. For example: There is a couple that gave birth to a child without a brain. They decided to donate it's organs to those in need. The problem was, the organs could not be donated right away because they were too small. The child would have to be put on life support until the organs grew large enough to harvest. To some, this would be unethical and hence should not be done. What do you think?
I have approx. 75 photos in rotation. Unfortunately for you, the code uses the Math.random() method to determine which photo to display. Those of you who have ever used Math.random() in your code know what I mean. It's frustrating. I tried using it in ICS23 to make my maze algorithm and it would pick the same number over and over again and it ended up causing a stack overflow. Pah.
Here's something I picked up from Kat
Full Name: Kelly Midori
Birth date: 10/16
Current Location: Here and there
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: none
Zodiac Sign: your mom
Your heritage: JA.
The shoes you wore today: haven't left the house yet
Your weaknesses: the internet and french fries....mmmm....
Your fears: Failure. Failure and throwing up.
Your perfect pizza: Cheese? I'm pretty boring.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Short term: graduate in four (highly unlikely) Long term: live comfortably and be happy. Sounds good to me.
Your thoughts first waking up: Hit the snooze
Your best physical feature: My big eyes and long legs
Your bedtime: Lately? Around 3-4am =\
Time you wake up: 10-10:30ish
Your greatest accomplishment: ;P
Your most missed memory: Hmm...when was the last time I wasn't worried about anything...?
You prefer
Pepsi or Coke: Diet coke POR VIDA!!
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds #9
Single or group dates: Err...single...I think. I guess it would depend on the people
Adidas or Nike: Because I'm so athletic...
frappuccino or coffee: I'm swearing off of coffee until school starts and I need it.
Do you...
smoke: Yech
curse: When I'm driving =X
Sing well: I'm no Denise
Take a shower everyday: Every day that starts with a G
Have a crush(es): :)
Do you think you've been in love: "
Want to go to college: this point? It's a tossup
Like high school: Too superficial
Want to get married: Maybe someday.
Believe in yourself: Occasionally
Think you're attractive: I think your mom's attractive
Get along with your parents: Most of the time
Play an instrument: Sort of
In the past month have you..
Drank alcohol: Nope
Smoked: Never
Done a drug: Claritin. It's kinda old.
Had Sex: Nope
Made Out: Wahaha ;D
Gone on a date: What exactly is a date..?
Gone to the mall?: Yeap
Been dumped: Nope
Dyed your hair: Never
Stolen anything: Your mom
Have you ever
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Nope
If so, was it mixed company?: Your mom was there
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope
Been caught "doing something": Today my brother caught me eating lunch at 11. The shame...the shame...
Been called a tease: Bitch maybe (well not maybe....), tease? I don't know.
Gotten beaten up: Nope
Shoplifted: Sounds kinda heavy
Changed who you were to fit in: Don't we all act a little fake sometimes?
the future
Age you hope to be married: Before 40 or bust.
Number of Children: 2 max
Describe your Dream Wedding: Nishi, of course =)
How do you want to die: Painlessly
Where you want to go to college: Not here...haha
What do you want to be when you grow up: Code monkey
Opposite sex
Best eye color?: I seem to like asians.
Best hair color?: Yeap
Short or long hair?: Short hair, clean cut
What do you notice first?: Not...sure
Best height: Taller than me.
Best weight: Lean but not skinny.
Best articles of clothing: I don't get it
Best first date location: I like to eat :D
Number of...
Number of girls I have kissed in my life: It's a cheek thing. Not those cheeks.
Number of girlfriends I've had: girl friends
Number of boys I have dated: blah?
Number of "serious" boyfriends I've had: Just one.
Number of drugs taken illegally: none
Number of people I could trust with my life: Maybe a couple
Number of piercings: One in each ear
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: None that I'm aware of
Number of scars on my body: Not too sure...
Number of things in my past that I regret: I can't count that high
sidenote: Dan needs a guestbook or comments function. Ya heard???
Tis the end of the week. I am now friendsterfied once more.
Boy do I feel like an addict ;P
My comments are shot =(
Sign the guestbook please.
In my new design I want to use screenshots of people I linked on one of my pages. The image will be directly linked to your page (provided I get the code functioning). Let me know if you have any objections, coo?
why are there so many porn-bots signing my guestbook?
I just tried to drink from my yogurt cup instead of my drink cup. It was an accident.
I know javascript.
Actually, no I don't, but I know it well enough to suit my purposes at this point.
I'll put up some more meaningful blogs later, after I go through the hassle of getting my digicam repaired and my new layout done :)
swearing off...
Friendster..........until the end of the week
coffee..........until school starts
Still working on the new layout.
I've been so feekin' lazy.
Must get ready for work.
ACK...I just realized that I need to get my book and a parking permit soon.
My life has become decidedly more boring than it's been in a long time (I spent the day wrestling with the enigma that is Microsoft Excel and photo albuming) but for some odd reason I feel as worked up and stressed out as ever, if not more so.
Perhaps that would be the reason why that for the first time in years, I had a nightmare.
It was pretty freaky. I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't figure out how to wake myself up. It got to the point where I was trying to figure out how to kill myself in hopes of waking up and putting an end to that nasty scenario.
Just when I had given up hope, the bf called and woke me up. He really picked the right day to call me too early in the morning. Ordinarily I would have been irritated, but in this instance I was relieved.
On another note, a bunch of us went to go see Blue Planet LIVE! at the Hollywood Bowl. It was pretty fascinating. Of course, we missed the drowning of the baby whale due to an unfortunate incident with a roach that decided to take a stroll down my back. My apologies to all those sitting near us.
OCBC and Venice are both having Obon this weekend. I'll be heading out to OC tomorrow evening. See you there!
I'm just beyond frustrated with my class right now. ARGH! It really kills me to see potential in these kids and know exactly what they need to do to bring it out, but not be able to make them do it. I can't make them want to work to do well. I can't make them care. I hate it when I recognize detrimental patterns in their behavior and work ethic that I can't break.
I don't know everything, I'm not brilliant, and I don't always know what's best for them, but I can see a lot of things that they can't. But how do you help someone who is so unwilling to be helped? Especially when what they need help with is learning how to help themselves?
*shaking head* There's my little rant for today. What can I do foo.
Just got a call from my slightly tipsy and very tastylicious roommate (come fall) Apes. She's partying like it's her birthday...cause it is! Happy birthday Apes! She's getting inebriated even though she has to get up at eight tomorrow...hahaha....I don't think that's going to happen ;D
Back to test grading...ta ta.
Happy one year anniversary to me and the bf I'm a couple days late, but on the 8th I went to his place, and today (technically yesterday) my family was hogging the computer.
I want to catch up with people but man...sometimes it feels like I have a ton to take care of.
I got the oil and filter change. Finally. Now I just need a car wash.
Apes' birthday is coming up, but she's being held hostage at Middle Earth. Middle Earth at UCI that is.
Bowdoin Girl is just finishing reading Brave New World (Aldous Huxley) for the bazillionth time, just like I am. Very cool. LA Guy brought his little iBook in to work today. He also stole my ABZ Book (Shel Silverstein) which is the best book in the world. Everyone at work likes it. That is also very cool.
So goes my inane life.
Obon this weekend. You all should come.
Almost died when I saw this on Tina's site.
Them crazy Japanese man.
Miss XL has done something new with her blog. Yay =) I have yet to do something new with mine.
Okiedokers. I'm out.
sidenote: what happened to him...?
Why do I feel so stressed out?
I'm about 1,500 miles overdue for an oil change. BAD. Bad bad BAD! *shaking head* I'm so scattered sometimes. All the time. Man oh man. I also need to get the car washed, but I think getting the oil change is a little more important as of now.
I need to get my ish together for the PSAT thing. Get everything organized and into a binder. Oh yeah, and I have to grade and record vocab crap. Blah. Today was rather slow. Trying to get them to talk was like pulling teeth. I always seem to have one quiet group. This looks like it's going to be it.
Bf and I are going to muck through more of his calculus today. Sometimes I get into teacher mode with him and start getting rather...demanding. I forget that I'm an informal tutor.
I need to Scheme-ify the brother.
And that's my life in a nutshell.
Man I sure look like crap today.
Anyhow, I'm just posting for Leah because I know he's awake.
I'm going to bed.
One of my dad's friends is trans. He just told me about him/her today. Well, she used to be a him, now she's not. But anyway, this guy got a sex change while he was married. So before they were a straight couple, and now they're a lesbian couple. I don't know...I feel bad for her wife. It's...strange. =\
Blogger looks different. I like this better =) It's more like the old blogger.
Okay, it's working and I'm happy. I had temporarily halted the creation of the new design as a result of being disillusioned by the problems I was having with blogger, but I shall resume.
I started working yesterday...kind of. Well, I kind of started working on monday. Turns out, I'm working with a fellow Apple lover and Civic sedan driver. He had just gotten the car. He was asking me how to use the remote for his car. Yeah, the remote with two buttons for lock and unlock. With little pictures showing which button was lock and unlock. Did I mention he was valedictorian?
Today is my first day with the kiddies. Here I am older and none the wiser. I hope today goes well. I hope the kiddies talk ;P They never do. Blah.
I got to see a bunch of people Sunday night for a post-birthday dinner for Damy. I discovered that Leah can tie a cherry stem in a knot...and so can I ;D. I also learned that it's easy to throw stuff down Sunflower's shirt and that sometimes pad thai really does belong on cars. Well, make that car. A black car. That foolio mofo bastard.
Pictures soon to come. Blogger might be working but my USB ain't =(
=( damn you dano, damn you!
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