Oh my god. I had the longest freakin' post and it got deleted. Ugh. Anyway.
(K)RSH That's right! Our "h" has a page now. My Sunflower Girl (or Ho Ho) has got a blog. CHECK IT OUT.
I was reading this yesterday night and it made me kind of sad. She has been with her boyfriend for quite a while, and I guess the relationship is running it's course and losing the romance. At least on his side, it seems. Plus, he has the most horrible take on marriage. I feel what she feels--it's possible for a marriage to be happy. Granted, it's hard to find a married couple (I'm talking married for at least 15 years here) that is not only okay with their marriage, but truly happy with it (at least from my experience) but you can find some. Those are the best couples. Better than attractive couples or celebrity couples. Those old married couples (like way beyond senior citizen old) walking down the beach holding hands are just fantabulous. It's great when you can love someone for years and years, after the faults rear their ugly heads, after looks start to go. Now, folks, that is what I want.
Anyhow, I've got a ton of photos I need to upload and a buncha buncha art history I need to do. Peace out for now.