It took me about 30 minutes to find a large enough space for my little Civic after coming home from work and getting food. Let me tell you here and now that I'm a horrible parallel parker, and today was a prime example of that. Even worse, there was some guy who was standing there waiting for I don't know what, and was probably laughing at me because it took me about fifty years (real time: about ten minutes) to get into a fairly spacious spot.
I need to shower. And shave.
I'm hairier than the bf. Or at least I would be if I never shaved. Not that I'm Bigfoot or anything with a mane growing from all of my 2000 parts, he's just really, really hairless. I don't mind. His arms are nice and smooth, so I can have my face near them without getting my faced ticked by long arm hairs.
One thing that really bugs me is hairy chests. Maybe I was just traumatized when I saw the bush bursting out of the collar of my freshman Spanish teacher's shirt. Oh, and that one scene from What Lies Beneath really bothered me. You know, at the beginning of the movie where Michelle Pfeiffer is playing with her hubby's chest hair? Yech.
I really need to shower. I'll be back later...