Hmm...the rbj link has somehow gotten me into the top 100. I suppose it's not that hard Anyhow, yesterday the bf stole me an avocado from his kitchen which is now sitting in the cupholder in my car waiting to be taken to the apartment and devoured by hungry avocado-loving girls. Leah was back from Santa Cruz for the weekend so me, Leah, Sunflower, and an alcohol-infused Sar made our way to Santa Monica to eat and browse Urban Outfitters. We went to Gaucho Grill which was actually quite good. It has return value.
In the restaurant Sunflower and I watched some guy from Denver hit on an English girl while waiting in line for the restroom and on our way from the restaurant to urban some guy asked Leah if he could buy his leftovers off of him and some feekin woman purposely elbowed Sunflower so Leah yelled "B*tch!" after her. I had fun.
I'm tired but my nose is no longer running. I feel healthy once more.
Thanks for the gift Oishiri ;) I got it yesterday.
Update: go s. cali! angels won ;D