Weeeehaaaaa we have furniture in the apartment (aside from Scam's desk and such)! Thank you thank you thank you K =DIf I had a third boob I'd put it on the back of my knee. It'll be good company for all the hair I'm going to transplant there.
Oh yes. I was quite surprised to discover that K likes to rock the car as well. Oh yes. Good times good times.
XL gets her cali rolls sans avocado! Aguacate! Gooooood feekin lordage that's insane. The avocado is the best part!
Oh yeah. On Friday I went to the Hollywood Bowl with the Brother because the uncle had tickets. It was a good, good show. We ate subway sandwiches and drank Transfusions (I don't know why they're called Transfusions but it's grape juice, ginger ale, and lime) while we listened to some good Tchaikovsky. If you want to see 1812 performed live, you need to see it done at the Hollywood Bowl. They make a huge production of it. Fireworks and the Trojan band and everything.Well, I don't think anyone was paying much attention to the poor Trojans because of the fireworks. Bwahahah.
Before I close, take a look at this. Great article. I can identify with some of it because I went to the same pinche escuela where instead of being the pinche chino, I was the fucking chinita. No kidding.