One of the most enjoyable afternoons I've had in a while. Every time I'm at school I forget how stressful it is to be around people all the time. Even if I'm alone I feel like I should be around people. The worst thing is that I don't even know most of these people all that well so I feel like I have to watch what I do and say--something I often slip up on when I get tired which makes me feel incredibly stupid come morning (kind of like being drunk I suppose...). I guess I'm not much of a people person, which means that it was probably a good thing that I decided not to major in psych and instead pursued ICS (I Can't Socialize). Oh well. I feel pretty good right now.
There are a bunch of things I want to do when I get more time (i.e. over the summer).
-Work (this is a must)
-Learn C++ (not a must but would be very...good)
-Go out to eat alone
-Get a manicure just for the hell of it.
-Buy something that I would normally consider to be out of my price range.
-Find a place with good lemon croissants (or any lemon croissants for that matter).
-Get music lessons.
-Wash the car.
-Spend an entire day out by myself.
I wish I had time to do all that now. I must get on with my programming now. I think I'm slightly behind schedule.