First of all happy birthday to XL who is just one year closer to growing white hair and going bald (bwahahah j/m).Second--I found out some pretty shocking news this morning. For those of you who remember Yuki Shibata--he died a few days ago after a kendo tournament. I didn't really know him--Kat knew him a lot better than I did--but I still knew who he was. I had him for chem my sophomore year. He was only a year older than I was. I don't know. The whole idea of having someone so close to my age just die--and not only that but someone that I knew--is just kind of crazy. I know that tragedies like this had happened to a couple people in Irv's class but it seemed kind of like--freak accidents. I don't know.
Funny how these things just sort of happen. Hakkotsunoshoo. To paraphrase White Ashes--This morning we may be the picture of perfect health, but by night we may be nothing but white ashes. Sobering thought.