This site makes me all smiley and crap because it's so ridiculous. Dirty D showed it to me (no, it's not porn) and said that he got it from the DMan because the DMan likes weird sites too. Since he shares my love for the oddities of the internet, I sent him my personal favorite to which I got a very enthusiastic "the feezie is this?" =DI'm feeling quite allergy-ed out. I feel bad because I'm using up all of Apes' tissue. I ran out this week on Monday and I really really hope her box holds out until Friday (I promise to bring two boxes back w/ me Ape and yeah thanks for the frapp).
I really need some time to chillax right now. I think I'm just going to listen to some good musica and leer for a bit.
My legs are achy breaky. My knee is killing me. I hate writing.