I know I'm sick when I wake up at odd hours of the night craving orange juice. It was a very Dashboard ride home yesterday. Despite my sore throat I sang about hair being everywhere. They started playing Dashboard on the radio. Interesting.
I've been stressing about grades. Well, one grade in particular. Writing. I have the most disturbing feeling that I didn't pass. I'd hate to take that class over again. I don't think I've ever hated a subject more that I hate UCI writing. I think it has rotted my brain.
Yesterday me, Apes, G and the DMan went to dinner at the Elephant Bar. DMan had given up meat for lent, so he was having a bit of a problem finding something to eat. It all worked though. Apes had to spot me because like a genius (genuis), I had forgotten my wallet at home. Reminder to self: you owe her $$$!
I haven't been sleeping well lately. I wake up every two or three hours or so and it takes me about twenty minutes to get back to sleep again each time. It's quite annoying.
I don't have too much to say (in case you couldn't tell). I must get this blog over to Irv's server pronto. Geocities is going to die on me soon.