Quick link from Smooth&Flat: PlayMash.com. Very old school.Which reminds me...of the ancient game of MASHI have pinned to my wall. It's from...like....when I was ten or eleven or something. I'm marrying the boy of my dreams for love, living in a house, driving a lego train, having three kids. Oh, I'm gonna own a pet rock. Goood rock. There there...down boy!
I found that thing in a pile of letters and stuff. At first I wasn't sure it was mine, until I saw that one of the car options was a Lexus. I dunno...back then everyone had a limo/mercedes/ferrari (the last probably a product of mattel's Barbie muck) fetish. I, on the other had, had a thing for Acuras and Lexuses (lexi...lexii???). Go figure.
Anyway, I digress. I may post more later. Stay tuned my lovelies.