Blog Flashback...."Hello Kitty sat dreaming about small pigs. One day she hoped to be a "call girl" . If I sleeps hard I can be whatever I want to be, she thought. Her parents always slept with her. One day, you could be a weak-willed, underage babysitter, said mama. Or perhaps a sewer systems engineer, added papa. I think you should be a convicted child molester and rapist just like grandpa, said grandma. Hello Kitty picked up her whips and went into the bedroom. Feeling a bit hard, she decided to make a big batch of cat-o-nine-tails and leather handcuffs for her family. " (11/12/2000)
Reprinted without permission. Please don't kill me Oishiri...! D= (j/m Oishiri loves me...or so I like to think...)