*YEA* KELLY!!!! OMG, *YEA*!!!! hee,hee...girlie, i am SO proud of you! :) i'm totallie happie for you! *YEA* YOU!! (ok..now that i've established my extensive use of vocabularie... :P) :) hee,hee...seriouslie, though, i am so verie verie proud/happie for you...i knew you didn't have to worrie about the whole major thingie...you're a smartie pants, and you'll have no trouble, i know :) hee,hee..FIGHT ON, GIRLIE!! :) (i cannot believe i've picked that up as an expression :P :)
hi, all :) sorries to invade on your bloggies, but i figured it was easier to bloggie w/you than to email all my *YEA*'s. :) plus, i need an excuse not to studie all the time...and i get bored j/reading bloggies it's more fun writing :) hee,hee..ok..i shall revert to studying again :) c u! :)