As I was saying, I'm back. I must say it was nice to come back to my site that I actually kind of like.I was going over my personal info and realized that it said that I am currently a freshman at UCI. Now, school does not start until the twenty-first. I don't even move in until the sixteenth or seventeenth. So before you all start thinking "This girl on crack!" allow me to explain. I didn't expect to have this page ready until September, but I guess I underestimated my boredom. I finished the layout and all the day after I started on it and I forgot to change the information. And now that I've caught my mistake I'm here explaining it instead of fixing it so I won't have to change it any time in the near future just because I'm too lazy to log into envy which always loads everything veeeeerrry sloooowwwly and in short is a big pain in the rear.
Yes I like my page. There's something sunshine-y about it. =D