Okay I'm just feeling purely....I just feel euphoric. AP exams. I expected to pass the English Lit, and I did. That's good. I expected a one on the Cal AB exam and a two on the US Government. Good lord the scores got sent to the schools today, and one of the people running the PSAT prep program I'm working for is in charge of the honors program at school, so of course she got a copy of the results. So she let us see them....and I passed all of my freakin' exams!!! Okay the scores for gov and cal were threes, but if you don't think you're going to pass you'll take what you can get. So anyway, she was laughing at me because I was so happy I was close to tears, but I was laughing at the same time. I had to sit down. Aiyah I'm such a nerd. But I'm so happy!