You know what, from my personal experience, "real" friends will always find a way to keep in touch. Not that I'm trying to say that your group aren't all close. I wouldn't know. However, you're pretty much right about the "whole group" being able to come together. But still, I believe that if you guys really want to do it, you can. Like holidays, I guess, where everyone is back in town, etc.
Friendships in college definitely aren't the same. You get to know many people in passing, but it's really hard to get close to new people. Yes, there are plenty of people who find great new friends in college, but from my personal experience, it definitely isn't anywhere near the same as the relationship I have with my closest friends from high school or before.
I disagree with the people who are on your case for missing out on senior year dances. I don't see the big deal. It's a choice, right? More important than those 'socials' is the complete high school experience you are having. Enjoy it. Enjoy the company of your friends. Enjoy your classes. Enjoy the experience, because in the end, the high school days will be the most memorable...