I still hate XMAS shopping. But I'm almost done...just one more gift! And it's for my brother. I've got time.
I saw a guy from my japanese class at the GAP. He works there. I never expected to see him again. I remember, I saw him at Starbucks on 11/10/00. I don't even remember his name. Oh well.
Guess what, my social security number is floating around somewhere at school. I dropped my school report form thingie for my college app. Now I can't find it. So yes...I had to rush home, quickly download the form and print it, fill it out, and rush back to school so I could get it in the college counselors box. I barely made it.
It's getting late. It's going to be a loooong day tomorrow. Two performances. One at a church, and one at Disneyland. I'm going to be dead tired. I'm already dead tired.
BTW...I have a friend who needs a date for winter formal. All candidates must be male, must have $$$, and must be gentlemen who open doors and pull out chairs. She is overly sentimental and has hybrid vigor. I would tell you her name, but I would like to not die a painful death. Anyone interested please contact me. Thank you!