I don't like this page layout. It's only here because I got bored.
I think I deserve a new toy for xmas. What can I buy myself? Hahah. I was thinking digital camera, but I don't know whether I can get one that's worth buying...I'll have to look into that. Anyway, I'd need one that I can hook up to a Mac. Because Macs, like, rule.
I'm going to have to think up something new for this page over winter break or something. This dark page is starting to bother me. I think the last day of school is the fifteenth. Yay. I don't have to put up with this page for too much longer.
I also mean to get my permit (again) over winter break. Yay. My uncle offered to take me out driving. In his car! He has my SC =) When I first asked him if I could drive it, he kind of looked at me like I was crazy and said "Heck no!". I guess he changed his mind, because later he offered to help me practice when I got my permit. I asked him what he would do if I damaged the car. He told me "That's what the insurance is for." If you say so....