Procrastination fo life. I'm really good at it. I have an essay due tomorrow and here I am wasting time. I also have to do my personal statement for the UCs, and I haven't even started on it. It's harder than you would imagine...but if you've done them you know what I'm talking about.
Poker is a breast man. That's what Mighty Mouse, the self-proclaimed leg man, had informed us of. There is way too much focus on the female image. Why is it that guys can get away with wearing the same suit or tux for every special occasions and girls are expected to have something distinctly different? Okay, maybe the guy will change his shirt or tie color, but that's a lot cheaper and a lot easier than finding a whole new outfit. Eh, what can I do.
So anyway, I didn't get my coffee today. Tozai was closed because of Columbus Day. Consequently I didn't get my much-needed and sorely missed dose of caffeine. NOW...if I had a car, a license, and insurance (yes, it always comes down to those three things) then I could drive somewhere else to get a soda or something...but just doesn't work out that way does it????
As you can see I am quite bitter. I'm going to get to work now...