Green-eyed monster (say hi to my monoliddishness)

A quick update on life before I dive into things...
Work has been INSANELY busy. We had a morning EST morning deadline which SUCKED which explains why we were in the office so late on Sunday.
...Okay I started that entry days ago and never finished it...and I forgot what I was going to write in that particular paragraph. MOVING ON...

Last month in my yearbook photo entry I wrote this:
You girls who grew up/are growing up in the era of the fashion blog and YouTube makeup tutorial? You have no idea how lucky you guys are.
When I was in high school all I had were magazines and the instructions that came on the CoverGirl palettes I had. Now, that might have been enough for some girls, but for a young asian girl with small internal epicanthic folds it was incredibly confusing. All I could think of was "Why on earth would I want to put shadow in my crease?" because of course, my eye "crease" (or what I thought was a "crease") wasn't exactly the kind of eye crease they were talking about and in fact was not really a crease at all.
I mean, even now it's tough for girls without creases to figure out their makeup...take it from someone who knows. I know it sounds weird but it's taken me years (well, not that I've been doing nothing but researching eye makeup for the past few years but you know what I mean) to figure out why standard eye makeup techniques don't really work for me...and it's all because it's rare that the intricacies and variations of the "Asian" eye (which it's usually described as even though all Asians don't have "Asian" eyes and all people with "Asian" eyes aren't necessarily Asian (hi Björk)). For instance, there's a huge difference between someone with an inner epicanthic fold and someone who has a real monolid, and there's even a huge difference between people with folds of different heights.
I really started to think about these differences when I came across a couple of threads on a makeup forum. One OP was a girl with a monolid who was asking for a critique of some look she had done. She had obviously looked at tutorials that all had the define-the-crease-by-following-your-eye-socket step in them and it looked like she had some random line drawn above her eyes. And it's not because she hadn't blended, either, because she had. But if you try and define your socket when there's absolutely no socket definition to begin with it kind of has the same effect as Mariah's painted on abs. The worst part? No one freaking told her this. Actually, that's not entirely true. After about 10 posts praising the look in its entirety (these forums are generally pretty friendly) there was finally someone who gently told her that maybe that particular technique wasn't working for her. The other thread's OP was a girl who was asking for advice on how to do her eye makeup so it was noticeable but not too heavy. The responses made me really sad because I don't think any of the other posters--not even the other "Asian"-eyed girls!--understood exactly what kinds of issues she was dealing with. I don't think people in general understand the difference between different types of monolids and how they even work. Which is fine, until you try to put makeup on them.
I think that the best advice to girls with this dilemma is just to experiment. At some point I realized that none of the advice or tutorials were going to help me figure out what do do with my eyes and the only way I was going to find a method that worked for me was to figure it out myself. Of course, there are some rules of thumb and advice that I picked up that think are important, but this entry is getting WAAAAY too long haha. Maybe I'll pick up on this later.
I'm going to leave you with a few (completely unretouched...actually the top ones were completely unretouched too now that I think about it) photos that I snapped w/ my point and shoot because the colors came out better. Also, I'm actually smiling in one of the photos so I decided I should probably post it.
The first thing I did after shooting this was wash my face. I haven't worn that much foundation (or makeup in general?) since ever. The second thing I did was trim my eyebrows because HOT DAMN JANKY.
That is all.
(btw it took me like 3 days to finish this entry...kept getting sidetracked. that's prob why it doesn't read too smoothly SORRY SORRY SORRY)